Aliza's journal entry #1 of 6: Dear Future me, I bet you don't even remember me! I'm the girl from a quiet day 
over the summer of 2015... I'm dating someone - not sure where it's going but it's nice for now. Summer love. Last semester, 
I thought I knew myself so well... surely you'll remember that about me, my unwavering passion for study abroad - Ghana - a 
dream that never happened. But... that's ok.

Aliza's journal entry #2 of 6: Anyway, I'm writing for 2 reasons. First, I'm wondering if you could, you know, send me a sign or something. 
Like, YOU know how it's all going to play out... so, could you give me a clue? Send me a dream or some kind of hint? I feel kind of lost right now, and 
that would really help. ... Thanks!

Aliza's journal entry #3 of 6: Second, I just want you to know that I'm ok. When I look back on my life, I'll remember the turmoil of this summer... 
when I dropped out of school, when I could have gotten back together with Reggie Peterson but I didn't, when I questioned my sexuality, when I had to move back in 
with my parents...

Aliza's journal entry #4 of 6: Maybe I'll regret it or remember this time as the burning hole in my otherwise peaceful life... the sink hole smack in the middle of 2015... 
Well, I just want you to know that I do know there are beautiful things about this time, also. Like on the rare occasion that I'm up before 7am, the sunrise is breathtaking! 
Streaks of yellow across the sky! And when the sun is setting and you're sitting in a tree and your boyfriend's got her arm around you... it's a good feeling. And when little Bryan 
says, if you weren't here, Aliza, this summer would be poop soup! Gross, Bry! But also...

Aliza's journal entry #4 of 6: Thank you. What is life about, if not sun rises, sunsets and people? People I love.

Aliza's journal entry #6 of 6: Anyway. I just want you to know that I don't regret any of it. And in a way, I'm happy I'm here. Don't tell Tina 
I said that! LOL. Anyway, thanks for listening. Love, Aliza