Tanisa with sock puppet

Mrs. Tanisa Loveland
19 Meadow Way
Clover County, GA

Question: What's the best decision you've made in your life?

Answer: Oh... I think I made it yesterday.

Sure thing, I think I did.

I'll tell you what I did, but you have to keep it a secret.

I went to a Medicine Woman. A Priestess. I said, Shaman Mother, I need a wish-come-true. Real bad.

I want to be in love.

I had a dream I wished it with the whole town to hear me. I said it in a whisper but it echoed like a shout.

I want to be in love! I want to be in love! I want to be in love!

And I want the person I'm in love with to be madly, wildly, up-into-the-galaxies-and-beyond, way way way completely in love with me too.

I want to meet someone who doesn't care about stupid petty stuff. Someone who loves everyday things, the small things.

Someone who won't be intimidated by Herbie... in fact, maybe this 'someone' has a sock puppet of their own.

The Priestess said a lot of things... well, I didn't understand all of it, honestly, but it sounded really magical. I believe it will help me find "the one." That's what I'm searching for -- "the one."

The Priestess told me about a love ritual I can do... so I did it!

I feel a glimmer of hope... and if the spell works, I should find my one true love by the end of the month!

And if I don't, well, the Priestess said I could come back from my money back or another ritual to roll the cosmic dice again in July.

But I really hope it's gonna be soon... and Herbie thinks it will be, too! I don't want to get my hopes up, but... well, they're already up there pretty high.

Say a prayer for me! Love and love and love, I'm going to find my one true love!