Bill Bradson smiling

Mr. Bill Bradson
29 Broken Horse Lane
Clover County, GA

Question: Who Are You?

Answer: Who am I? Well, I'm Bill.

Pretty straight forward, no mystery - secret identity, nahh - you lookin' for some drama I ain't got no drama.

Bill Bradson smiling

I likes me some jokes. Always jokin' around.

Ha haha haha ha ha! Yup.

Humor's gonna get the day to go on by. Helps the sun run across the sky. No good life with a sour face all the time.

Bill Bradson smiling

What else you wanna know?

I like fishin' an' huntin'.

I like barbeque an' beer.

Once I won the lottery but I didn't turn in the ticket. I like my life simple - don't want nothin' to change.


Is that true? 'Course it's true. Ain't that the purpose of storytellin' - tell the whole truth, nothin' but it?

Bill Bradson

Not tryin' to entertain yah --

Not just tryin' to make yah smile -- make the day go nicer for yah -- No. I said it 'cause it's true. I won that lottery business and I gave it all back. Didn't want no bigger house -- I like mine just fine. Got my room - got my fridge - got my house rules.


All yah need in life is a back porch an' beer. Friend once in a while. That's all you need.


That's all I need, anyway.

I don't know 'bout no one else but I know 'bout me. That's all I need.

That's who I am.